Everything you need to know to select, plant, propagate, and maintain bramble berries – including blackberries, raspberries, black raspberries, and even golden and purple raspberries! – in northern gardening zones.
FAQs: Growing Blackberries
Blackberries seem to inspire debate wherever they go. And why not? The pros and cons…
Pros and Cons of Dwarf Blackberry Canes
Although uniquely flavored and incredibly useful, blackberries are hard to find in supermarkets. If you…
Pros and Cons of Growing Caroline Red Raspberries
You just can’t grow a better small fruit than a raspberry. I won’t say I’ve…

Red, Black, Purple and Gold Raspberries: Which Are Best for Northern Zones?
Red raspberries. Black raspberries. Even purple and golden raspberries. Let’s get real: if you have…
White Blackberries, Pink Blueberries: 10+ Uniquely-Colored Fruits to Grow Yourself
One of my favorite things about gardening is finding a plant that absolutely nobody I…
Growing Primocane vs Floricane Bramble Berries
If you’re like me, every spring you spend lot of time researching (read: agonizing) over…